uncover template

uncover theme

This template uses the uncover theme.

Developed at ThoughtWorks
uncover template

Getting started

To use, copy this file and start writing. Run npm run build to see the finished deck or you can head over to the online editor.

There's even a VS Code extension for Marp which allows you to preview your slides within VS Code.

Developed at ThoughtWorks
uncover template

Bulleted points

Here is a bulleted list

  • Point one
  • Point two
  • Point three
Developed at ThoughtWorks
uncover template

Numbered points

Here is a numbered list

  1. Point one
  2. Point two
  3. Point three
Developed at ThoughtWorks
uncover template

Code snippet

const sayHello = (name) => {
  return `Hello, ${name}!`;
Developed at ThoughtWorks
uncover template

Change background and font colors

Woohoo! You can change the color of a particular slide

Developed at ThoughtWorks
uncover template

Use an image as a background

Developed at ThoughtWorks
uncover template

Split image background to the right

Developed at ThoughtWorks
uncover template

Split image background to the left

Developed at ThoughtWorks
uncover template

Presenter notes

Sometimes it's good to have some notes in handy

Developed at ThoughtWorks
uncover template


Read the Marp documentation to learn more.

Developed at ThoughtWorks
uncover template

The end

Developed at ThoughtWorks

Add your presenter notes here

Presenter notes are written as HTML comments We bet these comments will help your presentation...